Know about the author

"Be courageous and try to write in way that scares you a little" As a writer I always believe that write what reader wants and write it in your own way. Every writer has a own style and his own perspective. To be a writer you should have a vision that is unique from the common. This element will surprise the readers when you create magic through words. With great passion for writing, I started writing short stories and essay. Now I write about internet and technology related blogs. These are the things that we are using in our daily life. We are using them throughout the day and it becomes a necessity too. If you are interested, do check out my works.

My Works : | pluto tv activate | roku

Please do go through my blogs and review. Just share if you liked it. A writer always wants his readers to appreciate which will keeps us going. Here is my latest presentation, refer if you need to know about Pluto TV.